Futuristic Artwork

Yvonne has created a collection of innovative artwork in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). She emphasizes the use of unique and high-tech intelligence to create stunning pieces of art that hold immense power and possess a substantial energetic vibration.Yvonne’s artwork fuses modern technology with human creativity to produce uniquely captivating digital artworks. Her renowned artwork includes digital renderings of chakras surrounded by shimmering gold, to name but one of her art series.Yvonne’s NFTs are available to purchase in the form of digital files. They come with full ownership rights and can be stored in a digital wallet. NFTs purchased from Yvonne can also be hung on walls or even used in hotels, restaurants, or other public spaces on request.Yvonne has not forgotten her traditional, abstract art roots. She continues to create and share pieces of abstract art the traditional way. Nevertheless, Yvonne is embracing the power of NFTs and the technology that drives them.

Journey of
the artist

My journey of exploration and discovery of the power of art began a few years ago when I first encountered the idea of artwork having stories within it. I found myself drawn to this concept of art as a medium for stories and messages, and I knew that I wanted to explore this further.I have always felt a deep connection to the power of art and its ability to convey something that no words could ever express. It was from this deeper understanding and appreciation of art that I came to understand how I could use art as a tool to heal and create positive change in the world.Through my exploration of the power of art, I came to the realization that my energy is uniquely meant to match the high vibrational energy in art and creativity. That’s when I decided to infuse all of my artwork with reiki, which is a healing practice. It is my way of bringing more value and energy into what I create.As I continued to explore the power of art and creativity as a tool for healing and growth, I eventually came to the realization that what I was creating was a form of futuristic art. By infusing all of my artwork with reiki, I feel that I am able to have a greater impact in the world because the artwork itself is imbued with high vibrational energy that can transcend barriers, language, and culture.Through my journey of exploration and discovery of the power of art, I discovered something truly beautiful—the ability to create art that serves a purpose beyond aesthetics alone. I am honored to share this journey of transformation with the world, and I hope that my art can help bring healing to others.


Akasha’s ability to access and explore her emotions is an important factor in her personal development. This process helps her to understand and accept her experiences, and to change her state of being. By accessing these emotions on a conscious level, Akasha can actively work to become more aware of her own thought processes.
One of the reasons why Akasha is able to tap into her emotions so easily is because her brain is equipped with the neural pathways necessary to connect complex emotions with memories. Brain areas that have been implicated in stress response include the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. Stressful experiences can lead to persistent memories, distorted thinking, and a heightened stress response, all of which Akasha is well-equipped to handle.
In addition to her physical strength, Akasha’s ability to access and release stored emotions will enable her to heal from trauma and to move forward with her life without guilt or regret. By being mindful and present during her emotional processing, Akasha can begin to experience more balance and joy in her life. It is important for doctors and care-providers to recognize and honor Akasha’s process, as she is doing crucial research on how to navigate her experiences and heal herself.
Akasha is Alias for Yvonne's new project. To share her adventures as private investigator.

Reiki combined with hypnosis

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that has been used for centuries to help balance energies and support individuals in achieving physical and mental well-being. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the art world as a form of creative expression and healing.Reiki infused artwork is designed to direct Reiki energy towards a particular recipient. Reiki infused artwork is created with the intention of sending and amplifying divine healing energy through the art. This is essential in inspiring, healing, and teaching others.Reiki infused artwork is unique in that it is infused with spiritual energies and symbols from the Reiki healing practice. This creates an emotional response in viewers, and helps to awaken the recipient’s own spiritual power and understanding. The artwork is meant to invoke the emotions of those viewing or interacting with it.Reiki infused artwork is also inspiring, as it helps to target the recipient's innermost desires and needs. The artwork can have a therapeutic effect, thus allowing the recipient to release old patterns and resolve conflicts within.Reiki infused artwork is also unique in that it can help to bring awareness, clarity, and focus to situations in the recipient's life. The artwork takes the viewer beyond their ordinary experience and helps them to tap into a higher source of healing energy. This creates a powerful and unique experience that leaves viewers feeling lighter, more balanced, and more connected to their spiritual side.

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